Sunday, November 30, 2008


A minha nova onda e wow ja agora k o big fish falou nisso gostava de saber se jogas tambem... xD
Apesar de n ter mto tempo as minhas meias horas k me restam sao passadas a jogar WoW tal como os meus fins de semana estou em nivel 68 xD
So mais uma coisa....AKELE VIDEO ESTA MUITO LOUCO!!!!!!! XD
Fiquem bem...


My new wave and wow already now k the big fish spoke in that that he was liking knowing if you play also ... xD In spite of not have much time my half hours k they remain for me healthy passed playing WoW such as on my weekends I am in level 68 xDOnly one more thing.... THAT VIDEO IS VERY CRAZY!!!!!!! XD HE SAME WOW IS....Be well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

melhor q nd, eu n tenho kem m carregue o gamecard XD